Saturday, August 31, 2019

English-language films Essay

?I saw this quote in Mr. Laxman Gnawali’s laptop and I copied it right away, I don’t know but I liked that line very much. The quote was written on the wall of some park the place was really clean and that picture showed that it was really nice clean with lots of trees. After searching it in the internet I found it that it was the attribute to those who lost their lives in the war. We were talking about the teaching training session. We were told that we can achieve the next level in our career but we need to concentrate and do the session delivery seriously. There the quote was quite related because we had the freedom to be a teacher trainer but we have to be more responsible and develop certain habit, there with the freedom comes the responsibility. Looking at the history of freedom one can always see war as the synonyma for the freedom. The first thing that comes in our mind when we talk about freedom is war and quarrels. This phrase is mostly used by the people to show gratitude towards those who have lost their life in wars. There are so many articles and books written on them or about them. Shiv Khera have written a book â€Å"freedom is not Free† and there are mny other people who have talked about it and this is the phrase I think will be talked in coming future or as long as the existence of the human beings. Freedoms are rights of individuals, according to Webster it’s a state in which somebody is able to act and live as he or she chooses, without being subject to any, or to any undue, restraints and restrictions. As our country is democratic country and we proudly say that we are free, we have every freedom to do whatever we like to but in the beginning we fought for our freedom, can we still be fighting. In the beginning we fought for our freedom, with the birtishers, we fought with them not for the freedom but to keep our country free. We fought for the democracy from the Rana rulers and then we fought for the cruel royal rule and we achieve the freedom but the question remains that we have been fighting within ourselves. Now we have the ability to exercise free will and make choices independently of any external determining force, but are we truly free. I think we are still fighting within ourselves for the freedom we dream of. History has been our eyewitness that whenever we fought we fought to rule and not for the development or growth and we are still doing that. First we had MAHISHPAL than came GOPALA DYNESTYR and KIRAT after that many other than the most influential SHAH now we have politicians ruling still to rule not to develop. If I talk about the freedom realting with our history than it will never finish. Historians believe we’re not free, but on the other hand I just say we have our rights and restrains. Because completely unrestricted freedom of action would make peaceful human existence impossible, some restraints on freedom of action are necessary and inevitable. But, we do have to recognize that basic limitation, to make our life safe. We the people have to turn over some of our rights so that our country performs right and many say that the government is in our business but if they weren’t all chaos would occur. But, Freedom becomes a cost, a cost of just giving up some rights in return to be a great nation. But, some cost could become a concern. In the declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson have clearly stated the difficulties and problems that America has to face on the process. The very recent and clear example abo;ut freedom is not free is our own country’s fight against the maost. We faced difficulties than one can imagine but ultimately we overcame with all the difficulties we faced. In the process of freedom government has to include all the armies of moist as well. There comes the pay for freedom. We had to go through traumas which many of the nation have been through but that trauma was from our own people to their own family. India, the biggest country with large population, which is emerging ijn every field in this modern time, have faced problems. They were colonized by British people and treated in the most cruel behave that one could ever treat to another human being in their own country but they fought for their freedom and have lost so many lives but at last they are free. The payment that they paid for the freedom are the lives, the great politicians and enthusiastic youths, there county were divided into parts and there is still fight among those country. Though they got the freedom they are still paying for it, that is why freedom is not free. America the land of opportunity, was not free and with the help of many freedom fighters they declare the independence. Instead of freedom they call it independent, as everyone knows in America most of the people are from different countries, the native people, the red Indians have actually lost their identity in order to be independent or free. the country have faced so many difficulties and still facing but it is the free country everyone says and believed that but they have the most criminal records and most frustration within their country. The fragmented society, self-centered individual, loss of culture and focus point of terrorism are the payment USA is paying with. Every country have their own struggle and history of freedom and the kinds pf payment they are paying as the freedom is not free. All the great people in this world has paid one or the other way for the freedom they fought for. Countries have faced the war and loss of the youngsters but the individual who are the great influential for that event lost their family ,loved once, and their own life as well. Hitler’s life story also suggest that freedom is not free. he hated zuse and to free himself from them he committed the crime which no human can forget and he is the most cruel person in this world. He could not face the failure and to make himself free from the thought of failure he continued doing the things which kept him free from that thought and the payment for the freedom of his thought is being cruel and called murderer and be alone in all his life. However his murder is still have no actual evidence but he was killed because he was becoming cruel and threat for many people so in the quest of freedom to free the abuse and feeling of failure he paid it with his life. Mahatma Gandhi, India call him their BAPU, was hated by his son because he had no time to spend with the family as he was in great mission to free his country from the Birtish. He freed his fellow country but the payment was his own children, he was killed by the very young person as people saw that his generosity is causing the country into many countries. He was free from all the material things and loved by all the people but to gain this freedom to loved by everyone with his life. The four martyrs, who was killed by rana rulers for their freedom speech also shows that whatever our country have got is not free. in whatever way we are enjoying or complaining about is actually the payment that those martyrs paid. They were from well known and educated family but in the quest to free the country from the ranas they paid their life and we got freedom. Being anyone as human is not free from all the responsibilities and rules that we need to follow. As a baby you are free to cry over anything but the payment is most of the time people don’t understand what your problem is. As a student you are allowed to make noise or make wrong choice but the payment is later on you have to fail in your exam and in your life. As a social worker you have the freedom to help others and take their pain as your own and the payment you have to pay is your time, for you and for your family, as an engineer, your freedom is to use any model but the payment is you have to be responsible for the lives of the people who will stay there, as writer you are free to write anything but the payment is no one will write about you, as the teacher you have the freedom to conduct your classroom as you wanted but the payment is you have to be the model all the time, you cannot make any mistake if you do you have to deal with all the consequences that might occur or the payment is your time and effort. When you see some advertisement on television about the free scheme, we always need to buy something with it because nothing is free, not even the water, the air. Freedom is actually the metaphor for all the responsibilities that comes with freedom. When one becomes the minister or join the politics, like in our country everyone blames them to be the negative one, you are free to be the politician but the payment is you won’t be trusted. When I first started to teach I don’t have any freedom to chose what I do in the classroom, so I was just following whatever the teacher told me to do and there no one expected anything from me so I was free from the responsibility and the payment I was paying is getting the low pay. As I developed the teaching learning skill and given the full responsibility of the class, I had the freedom to do any kind of things in the classroom and make it my own and include everything I have learnt but the payment is time and the continuous work load and no self time. Likewise with the PGDE course we had the freedom to garnish ourselves and the payment is all the criteria that was set for us to be what we were trained to be. FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, even the quote is controversial because when freedom is not free than why would one use these words and if it is used why it is mostly related with the people who have done so much for the betterment of the human being?

Journal Outline

REQUIREMENTS FOR ADVERTISING DESIGN PROCESS JOURNALS (BDG56160) 1. 0DESIGN JOURNAL MANDATORIES A design journal is meant to show your learning progress and development as a Graphic Designer/Art Director. It is YOUR journal, so it should reflect who you are when people read your journal. ? A4/A3 in size. DO NOT use a readily bound black sketchbook. Compile and print all your notes, research and etc on loose A4 paper. Bind your journal with the standard black comb binding l. Create dividers to categorize the different sections of your journal. Example : Class notes, personal research, the different assignments, appendix, referencing and etc (according to the contents and what you have). ? A design for the cover of the journal including your particulars (name, student ID, class and etc). The cover must include a masthead bearing the words â€Å"Advertising Design Journal† ? Must be typed and printed with a margin of at least 1inch on all sides of the document.CHECKLISTS These are the things that must be included in your Advertising Design Journal ? Weekly Self Reflective: What have you learnt for this week? Not just for this module but also for the other modules you are taking and also what you’ve learnt personally outside of the campus. Do include constructive feedbacks, comments, suggestions and other engaging thoughts on how to improve yourself, reflections and developments of that particular week. Must be done every week. Class Notes : Include all your class notes and handouts here. ? Class Exercises & Homework: Include all given class exercises and homework here. ? The Assignments (in different sections): Include all sketches, mind maps, research, rationale, appendices, test prints, printouts, referencing and etc. ? Personal Research: Include all personal research, cut out from magazines, postcards, designs, innovations, articles, book reviews and etc which help improve your skills as a Graphic Designer in this category.This proves that you are doing your own personal research and development which complements your overall performance in terms of participation. All research included must be HIGHLIGHTED or UNDERLINED. Write your comments and feedback at the right side margins of the pages. DO NOT submit researches without any proof of study. ? Referencing: Include the references for all your research here. Please abide to the Har vard Referencing. c(an use this generator http://www. harvardgenerator. com or /http://libweb. anglia. ac. uk/referencing/harvard. htm for more information)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Personal Theory Paper Essay

Abstract As the main goal of Christian counseling is to facilitate change in order to help clients achieve emotional wholeness and prosper in the direction of spiritual maturity, the intent of this author is to outline the development of a personal counseling theory which will assist clients in meeting that goal. This theory utilizes aspects from the disciplines of psychology and spirituality, as well as integrates biblical concepts and theology without discounting the relevance of each. The work includes an examination of what is important for understanding human personality, such as motivation, human development, and individual differences. An investigation into where problems tend to develop is presented with conceptualizations of health and wellness, and psychological and spiritual illness. Additionally, the role of integration is discussed. Key elements of the author’s theory, along with techniques which guide the therapeutic process and a demonstration of their effectiveness are considered. Finally, the way in which the worldview of the author impacts her theory, along with her approach to integration of ideas and techniques from various authors and theories is presented. Personal Theory Paper Introduction As believers in Christ, individuals are promised an abundant life (John 10:10), peace beyond comprehension (Philippians 4:7), never-ending unconditional love (Jeremiah 31:3), and victory over the enemy (1 Corinthians 15:57). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2014), defines victory as â€Å"the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist; and achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.† There are people who continually fight the battle, yet remain defeated. Believed to be  appointed of the Lord to counsel (II Timothy 1:9), this author hopes to come alongside individuals and reveal the undiscovered aspects of God’s love; help them realize who they are in Christ, provide the tools for living and the weapons for the battle, point them to victory, and finally, be their greatest cheerleader throughout the process. To that end, the purpose of this writing is to provide a framework of Christian counseling which will assist clients in facil itating change in order to defeat the enemy and succeed in achieving emotional wholeness. Understanding Human Personality Personality Development and Structure Personality is a conglomeration of all beliefs, actions, temperament, and attitudes of the heart which make up the whole person. Ways in which a person uniquely reacts or responds to events in his/her life constitute the personality traits. Crabb (1977) describes the structure of the personality as consisting of the conscious and unconscious mind, the basic direction or heart of a person, the will, and the emotions; all of which work together as a unit – an indivisible whole. Hawkins (2101a) delineates the personality as a series of concentric circles which shape the total person; beginning with the core self, followed by the soul, the body, temporal systems (or outside influences), and finally supernatural systems. As one works to understand each concentric circle and how each impacts the personality, the counselor will better understand the sourcing of clients’ problems; inevitably helping them to take ownership of the problem and motivate them to change (Hawkins, 201 0a). An individual’s past is important in uncovering misbeliefs originating during childhood which may manifest as dysfunctional behaviors in adulthood (Backus & Chapian, 2000). Additionally, in order to better understand the inner workings of personality, one must seek to comprehend the ways clients are motivated to make core changes. Motivation to Change Avoiding the humanistic approach which would describe the personality as something which cannot be altered, this author remains convinced the basic personality is capable of change through the power of the Holy Spirit. Today’s modern Christians have all too often embraced the secular explanation for the ills of society, going so far as to affirm sin by agreeing with an excuse such as â€Å"I was born this way.† By embracing  personality traits which dishonor God, sin becomes easily sugar-coated and socially acceptable. On one hand, God is praised for His ability to transform lives and encourage conformity to His character, yet on the other hand the personality traits which do not measure up to the biblical standard are accepted as simply unique characteristics in today’s post-modern society where uniqueness is celebrated and all are encouraged to just â€Å"be themselves† and live life in any way they choose. Many Christians refuse to accept a problem ex ists. The Psalmist writes, â€Å"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting† (Psalms 139:23-24, NKJV). Dr. Larry Crabb (1977) is one of a number of Christian scholars who stands firm on God’s Word and shares a common belief that freedom from emotional pain and distress may be found within the pages of scripture as he states, â€Å"Do what God expects because He already has given you everything you need to live responsibly† (p. 140). Adams (1986) agrees with Crabb’s position as he explains if everyone chose to live responsibly according to the truths found in God’s Word, there would be no need for counseling, as all problems would be solvable on the basis of His Word. All legitimate forms of counseling should be based on scripture for in its pure form therein lies no need for improvement (Adams, 1986). This author would agree the assessment of counseling theories and practices should be held to a high biblical standard. Counselees should be encouraged to please God and not adopt the aforementioned post-modern mentality which permits one to behave in whichever way feels good at the time. Such behavior can only lead to emotional turmoil. Backus and Chapian (2000) admonish if individuals are serious about pleasing God, their behavior will be the exact opposite of what is expected. There is no need to go along with the deception brought about by the enemy which causes upheaval in the lives of those who choose to follow his lead. Freedom from the bondage which enslaves the minds of individuals can only be brought about by encountering the truth of the Word of God (Anderson, 2000). Those who do not embrace God’s Word as truth will spend their time seeking gratification of their needs rather than seeking a deeper relationship with God. Life is evaluated in terms of the rules of society and behavior is motivated to gratify self-centered needs (Cloud & Townsend, 1999). While the Christian may encounter deception and misbeliefs  (Anderson, 2000; Backus & Chapian, 2000), the desired choice would be to evaluate the situation within a framework based on biblical truths and exhibit behavior which is Christ-like in nature (Crabb, 1977). Theory of Human Development and Individual Differences â€Å"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made† (Psalms 139:13-14, NIV). Every individual possesses an understanding of the world and it is by this understanding a basis for autonomy within the world is sought after and developed. The process of development involves maturing along the journey and cultivating good spiritual habits. Frequently, the boundaries which guide behavior are for self-preservation (Cloud & Townsend, 1999). When behavior includes positive choices and patterns of relating which embrace biblical principles, such as treating others with the love and respect with which God intended, a â€Å"healthy, balanced interdependence† (Wilson, 2001, p. 246) is achieved. Recognition of the importance of first becoming a complete individual is critical in order for the healthy interdependence to occur. Completion and maturity cannot occur simply by an act of will, for individuals are unable to change in and of themselves (Cloud & Townsend, 1999). Therefore, by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to direct the life-shaping choices throughout the process of development, a better sense of emotional and spiritual health may be achieved: â€Å"But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil† (Hebrews 5:14, NKJV). The job of a counselor is to assist the client in progressing toward a healthy, mature balance of emotional and spiritual health. Where are Problems Developed? Health and Wellness Two scriptures which come to mind when considering health and wellness include: â€Å"My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you† (Proverbs 3:1-2, ESV); and, â€Å"The fear of the Lord adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short† (Proverbs 10:27, NIV). Problems begin when clients neglect to heed the teachings in the Word of God. Hart (1999) states â€Å"many are falling into stress disease† (p. 4) and  proposes the possibility exists to create tranquility in the midst of the chaos and anxiety which presents in today’s world. Changing thought processes and taking time to care for the physical body through rest, not only will benefit the mind and body, but also impacts relationships and spirituality (Hart, 1999). Likewise, Backus and Chapian (2000) posit changing thoughts will change the biochemistry of the brain; the actual chemical comp osition of the cells within the brain and central nervous system. The goal of counseling would be to insure clients achieve good health; not just physically, but emotionally. And not just for themselves, but for others with whom they are involved relationally. Wilson (2001) stressed the importance of recognizing the way in which unhealed hurts affect how one responds to others; hurt people will hurt people. Illness Illness may be characterized by disorder, weakness, unsoundness, lacking strength, fragile infrastructure, abnormal functioning, harmful development, and finally, bondage or oppression of the body or mind. Illness does not just involve the body. The state of the mind lends itself to influence the physical body. Anderson (2000) writes, â€Å"But even modern medicine proclaims that the majority of people are sick for psychosomatic reasons† (p. 33). Counselors are primarily concerned with how illness may relate to and influence the state of the mind. Hart (1999) discusses several practical approaches to promote a state of well-being and reduce stress and anxiety: obtaining the proper amount of rest, consuming a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise, and in some cases, taking medication. In fact, the least of which is medication. Hart (1999) cites an Australian study listing the percentage of people successfully treated for anxiety disorders. Some treatment options included sel f-awareness, meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation, psychotherapy, and medication. The relative effectiveness of the listed treatments indicated prescribed medication as having the lowest percentage at only 16%, compared to self-awareness reported as 95% effective (Hart, 1999). The information contained in the study supports this author’s belief that â€Å"as a man thinks within himself, so he is† (Proverbs, 23:7). In other words, often our physical and mental state is a product of our thoughts. Psychological and spiritual illness. Wilson (2001) states, â€Å"According to Jesus, no one is in perfect spiritual health†Ã‚  (p. 183). In fact, Backus and Chapian (2000) give an example of a client who spent considerable time exhibiting signs of physical illness, yet the reason for her illness was not caused by anything physiological. Her problem involved the psychological and spiritual. Backus and Chapian (2000) go on to emphasize, â€Å"The term anxiety covers a large number of behaviors, including cognitive activity†¦as well as physiological events† (p.72). An entire chapter of The Anxiety Cure is devoted to the connection between anxiety and depression (Hart, 2001). Anderson (2000) describes those who suffer not just with physical sickness but with psychological conditions as a result of satanic bondage; stating when one lives in a constant state of anxiety, a person is unable to concentrate on anything other than all-consuming fear. There remains no provision in the physical, mental, or emotional realm to focus on anything else. Similarly, Hawkins (2010a) is thorough in his explanation of concentric circles to include the supernatural realm. When counseling clients living in spiritual bondage, the words of Isaiah may be of tremendous comfort: â€Å"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you† (Isaiah 26:3, NKJV). Counselees may be encouraged to cease sinful practices which cause the enemy to obtain a foothold in their lives. Correspondingly, the spiritual health which may be proclaimed by some is partial and relative when measured by the absolute standard of what is seen in the Word of God (Wilson, 2001). Therefore, encouraging clients to trust in God and conform to the principles found in the Bible will produce a life less plagued by psychological and spiritual illness. Role of Integration and Multitasking As a Christian counselor, learning to integrate psychological, spiritual, and theological methods in the counseling arena is imperative. God’s Word specifically states, â€Å"Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ† (Colossians 2:8, NKJV). General revelation must be placed under the evaluative scrutiny of God’s Word (Hawkins, 2010b). As Christian counselors ultimately are held accountable to the truth of God’s Word, great care must be taken to rely on the Holy Spirit to guide in the process of integration in order to rightly discern the truth. Hawkins (2010b) discusses the probability of uncovering  God’s truth within the work of scientists and scholars when he describes â€Å"unveiled truth† as â€Å"God’s truth.† The importance and role of multitasking is outlined in detail by Crabb (1977) when he describes four approaches of integration: Separate but Equal (a method of keeping psychology and theology completely separate), Tossed Salad (a method of blending them together), Nothing Buttery, (the complete disregard of psychology), and Spoiling the Egyptians (the method of profiting from psychology by carefully screening concepts to insure the compatibility with Christian presuppositions). Paul’s letter to Timothy reads, â€Å"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work† (II Timothy 3:16-17, NKJV). Additionally, Paul wrote to Titus, In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness, and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. (Titus, 2:7-8, NKJV) Therefore, when seeking to evaluate clients’ problems, the ability to multitask must focus on theological truth as the cornerstone, while integrating psychology and spirituality in order to obtain a healthy balance which may best be incorporated into the treatment plan. Sourcing Problems and Structuring Effective Intervention Key Elements of Theory This theory of counseling incorporates an integrative methodology which has as its base the primary purpose to restore to clients’ lives the truth of God’s Word and the influence of the Holy Spirit. Hawkins (2010a) stressed the spiritual strategy of placing emphasis on the restoration of Imago Dei. Likewise, this counselor recognizes the importance of structuring a counseling model around an application of disciplines which incorporate Christian values within the core of individuals; the place where the greatest influence of the Holy Spirit takes place, where the greatest impact on cognitive behavior is felt, and the place where the characteristics of the human personality are developed and subjected to purposeful change. The Word of God states, â€Å"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free† (John 8:32, NKJV). There exists a freedom in Christ unlike  anything secular truths may offer. Belief in something causes actions which reflect that belief, therefore, â€Å"beliefs and misbeliefs are the most important factors of your mental and emotional life† (Backus & Chapian, 2000, p. 16). The goal remains to teach clients how to exchange thoughts which are deeply rooted in misbelief with truths found in God’s Word by combining the strengths of cognitive-behavior therapy, as well as other empirically-supported psychological disciplines, without diminishing the strengths of those disciplines. Process and Techniques Motivating effective change can only be accomplished when the counselor is living by example; hiding the Word of God in her heart and mind. Therefore, it is paramount the counselor is free from anything which may plague the mind and cause bondage. To encourage a client to prosper in the direction of spiritual change, the counselor must first focus on the process in her own life as well. Additionally, the therapeutic relationship in counseling is critical. Therefore, creating an atmosphere in which clients encounter an empathetic, listening ear; where they know they are accepted with the unconditional love modeled by Christ and exempt from the threat of judgment; will go far in allowing mutual trust to be established. It is only in an environment of trust that a client will open up and disclose things affecting their lives while allowing the freedom to examine thoughts in their minds in hopes of motivating change (Crabb, 1977). This future counselor believes every battle is won or los t in the mind. Going back to the biblical example of Joshua and Caleb, in one of the most heartbreaking stories of the Old Testament, the Israelites sought to enter the Promised Land and were filled with fear upon eyeing the giants of the land; â€Å"†¦we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight† (Numbers 13:33b, NKJV). Because of their misbelief, they were unable to fulfill God’s call and were made to continue to wander in the wilderness until the next generation rose with boldness to take possession of the land. Joshua and Caleb had followed the instructions of God’s Word, had meditated on it day and night, and as a result became strong and courageous. There was no room in their minds for misbelief. Their actions were a sum total of their thoughts. The deepest, driving desire of their will, as it aligned with God’s truth, allowed them to complete the task and inherit God’s  promise. Adams (1986) argues teaching biblical principles is critical to immediate and lasting change. As a future counselor, this author plans to come alongside clients exhibiting the love of Christ bolstered by consistent prayer for the counselees. Joined together with hopes of being successful in encouraging them to identify incorrect assumptions, to support them as they exchange misbeliefs for truths, and to clarify biblical thinking – all of which will enable them to change and conform to the image of Christ (Adams, 1986; Crabb, 1977). As Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus: â€Å"†¦speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head – Christ† (Ephesians 4:15, NKJV). Expectations of Effectiveness If methods used in counseling are in line with God’s Word, change brought about as a result will be effective. Crabb (1977) states worshipping the Lord more fully and serving Him more effectively comes about as a result of solving problems in ways which cause one to be more like the Lord, or spiritually mature. A progression toward healthy relationships will be displayed as clients work toward the goal of spiritual and psychological maturity. The good news is that the Lord Himself promises to guide individuals along the way. Isaiah 48:17b reads: â€Å"I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go† (NIV). Crabb (1977) is adamant in his statement that the Lord will never allow a situation in life in which a believer is unable to respond biblically. Similarly, Adams (1986) explains as clients adopt pleasing God as their highest priority, changes made will have value before God and remain in effect. As counselors ente r into relationships with clients, trusting in clients’ ability to make themselves vulnerable before the Lord, desiring change and adopting a conforming nature toward the character of Christ, the Lord cannot help but bless (Jeremiah 29:11). The Influence of Worldview on Theory View of Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality The lens which is used to process and filter this author’s worldview is primarily a Christian lens. It exposes a theological biblical foundation, yet allows room for spirituality and psychology as well. There remains a strong belief to not incorporate any teachings or practices which would  prove to be out of accord with the teachings of the Word of God. Adams (1986) spoke well when he reminded the reader that long before the existence of psychology, Jesus Christ was named Wonderful Counselor. That is not to say psychology does not have a place in counseling, however, one must keep in the forefront of one’s mind the â€Å"depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God†¦of him, and through him, and to him, are all things† (Romans 11:33-35, KJV). Understanding comes from God, including the understanding He grants in the discipline of psychology. Therefore, one must take care not to simply induce superficial change in counselees. As psychology ma y supply wisdom to help clients modify behavior, the Christian counselor is responsible to help clients delve deeper; employing a substantial change of the heart – a change which is guided by the Holy Spirit (Adams, 1986). There is an inner life which is known only to God and oneself. In order to facilitate any outward change of any significance, one must seek to probe those deep places, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through the counselor to implement the changes which the Holy Spirit has promised to effect. Anything less would be inadequate and unbiblical (Adams, 1986). Approach to Integration As Christians, we are granted the capability through the Holy Spirit to know the truth in all things: psychology, theology, and spirituality. The anointing of the Holy Spirit which dwells in the believer, teaches concerning all things. But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him. And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. (I John 2:27-28) Hawkins (2010b) described McMinn’s most effective pursuit toward psychological and spiritual health which involved three things: an accurate awareness of self, an accurate awareness of need, and healing relationships. In combining those three, and screening psychological concepts to determine compatibility with the presuppositions held by Christianity , Christian counselors can profit from secular psychology, provided unwanted elements which oppose truths found in God’s Word are discarded (Crabb, 1977). Conclusion The theory presented is careful to emphasize the importance of teaching the truth of the Word of God. By multitasking, or integrating psychological theories, as well as some aspects of spirituality, it is this author’s belief that the process of substantial, biblical, effective change is attainable for clients. The process of change must begin in the heart of the counselor and then reach out to encourage change in the hearts and lives of counselees. The emphasis must be on the word, â€Å"process.† As Paul writes, may each one â€Å"press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus† (Philippians 3:17, KJV). The hope of this future counselor is not only will counselees be moved to change to effect better mental health, but also will be moved to change to embrace the hope and healing which comes from a life which glorifies God. References Adams, J. E. (1986). How to help people change: The four-step biblical process. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Anderson, N. T. (2000). The bondage breaker. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers. Backus, W., & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling yourself the truth. Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers. Cloud, H., & Townsend, J. (1999). Boundaries in marriage. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Crabb, L. (1977). Effective biblical counseling. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Hart, A. D. (1999). The anxiety cure: You can find emotional tranquility and wholeness. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Hawkins, R. (2010a). Hawkins’ model for guiding the counseling process. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University. Hawkins, R. (2010b). Introduction, McMinn, and multi-tasking. Lynchburg, VA: Liberty University. Victory. (2014). In The Merriam-Webster dictionary. Retrieved September 25, 2014 from Wilson, S. D. (2001). Hurt people hurt people: Hope and healing for yourself and your relationships. Grand Rapids, MI: Discovery House Publishers.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Critique - Essay Example I failed to decipher any weakness in the abstract. The author failed to stipulate where the introduction begins. The transition from abstract to the introduction part does not have a clear flow of information. However, the author tries to bring out the real scope of the problem in the introduction. The main aim of positive thinking is to catalyze a transformation in the apprehensions of psychology from obsession with mending the worst aspects in life to a fresh prominence on optimal working of people, collections, and organizations. Thus far, the author has provided little investigation on assimilating the affirmative psychology methodology into schools. The author chose to use Constructivist grounded model case analysis as the in methodology of the research. The author provided a theoretical framework, research background and contributors, course content as well as delivery medium. These factors are usually instrumental in any methodology part of a project. Approaches of data collection, participant observations, field notes, artifacts were also outlined in the research. The data analysis procedure of this research centered on the qualitative records and utilized grounded model data analytic approaches to respond to the research problem. Since the course of classroom teaching was ï ¬ lled with fragmentary dynamic singularities, data was scrutinized and amassed with initial coding all through this study. The determination of this research was to delve totally into the mechanisms of affective edification implementation, and numerous components arose from the data exploration. However, this research provides an in depth exploration as stated above. The author goes ahead to give the reader all the findings that they seek to find. The author finds that, to break the innate social typecasts is expected to be the long-standing undertaking of affective education. This information is probably the best finding that the author has unearthed. This statement is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Political philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political philosophy - Essay Example agree that people were to renounce their liberty for the sake of social contract, regarding the issues like state of nature and subsequent development of social contract, they are deeply at odds. Hobbs introduced a state of nature which has certain horrific features. According to him, human beings are at incessant conflict or war. This war is visible at every sphere of life since the individual level to the international level. However in my opinion, Hobbs offers the best account of the state of nature. An array of examples could be given for supporting his view. Conflicts between the individuals, between ethnic groups, between nations all represent the basic nature of human propensity to fight. This endless insecurity made the social contract inevitable for maintaining peace. As compared to Hobbs, Locke’s approach to state of nature is rather mild. He states that people lived under a law of nature before the emergence of political power. Since they were self centered and lacked proper interpretation of right and wrong, inevitably conflicts occurred. In order to protect the individual interests they developed social contract initially in the form of society and further government. Rousseau was against the theories of the other two. According to him, natural human beings are neither good nor bad with limited reasoning capacity. If they think that government is their own, they would act in favor of that and therefore according to him, state is the result of dominance of the rich over poor and anything against the general will is against the human freedom. All these theories were criticized by Hegel. He proposed an extremely different opinion to defend the political power of state. According to him, state is not inherently the foe of man; instead, it is the system that realizes and defines his role as a citizen (Hinchman, 257). Hegel criticized the view that liberty existed before the establishment of the state. However, Hobbs theory stands up

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Training and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Training and development - Essay Example Specific skill development includes change management, facilitation and presentation skills, customer education, team building, leadership, product knowledge, creativity, and the cultural diversity aspect especially the French language, tradition, and custom. There are two mostly practiced approaches towards training and developing an individual in a business entity namely; Traditional and Modern approach. It is very important that the management should train employees on these approaches. Even though most organizations use techno-based, it is worth training on all aspects including traditional approaches, since it assist where possible especially culturally as described by John (2005 p.75). Traditional methods of training encompass mentoring and coaching- this involves experts and employees working together, the expert provides knowledge, support and encouragement; manuals and lectures. Modern methods include e learning, podcast, and teleconferencing. Acquisition of these methodolog ical skills is very important since it creates confidence in employees. As a summary, the following methods can be taken be used to effectively developed objective based outcomes: Ð ¡oaching- it is the process whereby a leader and specifically manager of group leader takes the initiative of providing guidance, opinion and suggestion, control and as well as critics. Coaching would be very much successful if the leader or coach is of competent and intellectual character as enumerated by Landale (1999 p.120).

Monday, August 26, 2019

THE EARLY GUILTY PLEA DISCOUNT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

THE EARLY GUILTY PLEA DISCOUNT - Essay Example It also determines whether such discounts in any way create a penalty for offenders who plead not guilty thus exercising their right to trial. A sentencing discount refers to a particular reduction that is normally quantifiable and relating to a discrete factor and which the court apply after taking all other considerations of sentencing into account. They relate to post-offence conduct on offender’s part. An individual who has committed a criminal offense has some options in responding to accusations made against him or her. The rules of criminal procedure in a court of law allow an offender to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty and if the offender fails to enter any plea, the court enters a plea of not guilty on for the offender and then begins the trial (Howie, 2008). There has been heavy contest on the levels, aspects and the extent of discounting sentences for defendants who plead guilty. In the recent years, the Australia high court has also weighed in on the debate. It is a statutory requirement in Queensland that the court should take into account a guilty plea and if the court fails to reduce a sentence; it must state its reasons. However, if it reduces the sentence, it is not obliged to state what the definite reduction in sentence was. Actually, even without remorse, the court holds that there should be reduction in sentence. It has also been a requirement for a court to point out the way in which it is reducing a sentence, if it is reducing it as a following the plea. It may achieve a reduction by recommending an early parole. In determining sentence for the offence, a fact of unaccepted offer to plead guilty is relevant (Freiberg, 2006). Following the concern of the discrimination that two elemental notions in sentencing engendered, justices Callinan, Gaudron and Gummow had a joint judgment. They observed the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Organic restaurant Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organic restaurant - Term Paper Example As a means of gaining a competitive advantage in the market, the restaurant will employ professional nutritionists to facilitate menu planning. Apart from offering meals to the clients’, the restaurant will provide additional support services to their clients. The restaurants employees will supply nutritional information on food items delivered to their clients (Fullen 116). Health life will collaborate with health institutions in researching on the best diet to offer to the market. Additionally, the restaurant will assess the impacts that consumption of organic foods on the population. Market segmentation will equally constitute a strategy for use at health life restaurant. The restaurant will group their clients to meet the demands of special interest groups. For example, preparation of foods for vegetarians will be advantageous in catering for the special interest groups. The location of the facility in Hollywood will provides an opportunity of engaging in awareness campaigns. This will be achievable with the support of their celebrity clients who reside in Los Angeles. Operations at the restaurant will thrive because majority of the populations are aware of their nutritional needs. According to Fullen (111), employees and clients will play an integral role in influencing the choice of the corporate level strategies. The location of the restaurant will provide an opportunity to increase its publicity by targeting celebrity clients. The celebrities will assist in marketing the establishment as a restaurant that shows concern for people’s health. The restaurant will conduct operations differently from other restaurants. The management will equally focus on the needs of the market before coming up with the marketing strategies. The institution will employ analysts who will continuously monitor trends of the market before advising the management on the best

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Science and Art of Managing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Science and Art of Managing - Assignment Example On a broader context, the article provides an in-depth knowledge pertaining to the importance of structured organizations and the process through which they operate. In addition, it also highlighted the importance of planning along with organization which plays a very important role. Psychological facets such as motivation can prove to provide great deal of support to the employees in enhancing their performance in the organizations. It also plays a leading role in influencing the employees in order to reach their individual goals along with the goals of the organization. On a different context, the article showcased the managers need to perform multiple tasks and responsibilities in the organization. Additionally, managers are also liable to get respect based on their level of expertise. However, they are also liable for practicing different aspects of management that vary as per the level of difficulty. The article provided a basic idea pertaining to the factor that managerial auth orities need to earn the trust of the management to function in an operative manner (Weiss, 2007). B. CRITIQUE ‘The Science and Art of Managing’ ‘The Science and Art of Managing’ written by W. H. Weiss provided with a lot of valuable insights about management. The overall analysis will be followed by a critique in relation to the facts gathered from the above mentioned article. While providing a summary of the article, all those important elements pertaining to the organizational traits have been learnt. The article additionally provided a great deal of support in order to attain a fair amount of knowledge regarding the basic principles of management. The article very well showed the different functions that managers need to perform however there were no practical aspects of management functions that were noticed. Providing managerial examples from real organizations would have proved to be very beneficial. It would have resulted in the enhancement of the q uality of the article as well. It can be critically acclaimed that the article provided a strong base of theoretical knowledge however it cannot be fully applied in practical terms as there were no such readings determining the applicability of all the approaches in the practical fields. Different principles along with diverse management functions highlighted upon the multiple roles which managers have to perform in order to operate in a well-organized manner. All of these aspects were showed in a proper format however, the article did not highlight any instances which prove that all these aspects were applied in real organizations to trigger high amount of output (Weiss, 2007). In relation to the professional opinion, it can be said that management and business experience can facilitate an individual to carry out decisive managerial roles in an efficient manner. Management principles are vital in an organizational context as it enables to demarcate the specific needs for a set of e mployees based on their inherent traits. Moreover, it can be affirmed that management skills are required to function in an operative manner as managerial functions require prompt decision in varying critical circumstances. It can be critically stated that although managers need to perform an assortment of roles in an organizational context however the level of success in these roles can be ascertained by their expertise and inherent skills. Contextually, the aspect of motivation as a key determinant

Friday, August 23, 2019

Motivation and Management - Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Motivation and Management - Report - Essay Example The underlying question that motivation asks is why do people do what they do? In addition, motivation is concerned with the reason people opt to take a particular course of action, over because whilst suffering difficulties and problems throughout Bruno (2002). Motivation has four common characteristics. One of them is that every person is unique and their motivations needs are different. Second characteristic is that motivation is intentional it is under the control of employee and it becomes an influential factor in their performance. The other characteristic is that motivation has two major dimensions named as active and engaged. The last characteristic is that motivation predicts the employee’s behavior. A motivated employee will work hard as they will feel fulfilled to do so. The employee will also be compelled to produce quality work with high performance rate. When an employee is de-motivated, low output and poor quality work is observed. The main aim for CBC is to provide high quality work as well as profit maximization. It then calls for self managing personnel who will work hard to achieve the set goals. For that to be realized, motivation issue must be addressed. There are three possible ways of increasing motivation. Extrinsic motivation, that is, motivation that can be enhanced through tangible rewards such as salary, promotion and conditions of work, intrinsic motivation that is related to psychological rewards including a sense of challenge or performance. In addition, motivation is increased by developing passion from work Bruno (2002). This simply provides means of collaboration, fairness, recognition, growth, and connectedness with leaders. Maslows hierarchy of needs argues there are five categories individuals undergo. Therefore, must the management to build in higher aspects of the hierarchy such as performance, advancement; recognition and responsibility to enable employees achieve the

Book Review of the Omnivore's Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Book Review of the Omnivore's Dilemma - Essay Example The book raises myriad inquisitions which evolve from the genius mind of Pollan regarding the nature of diet for the Omnivores and satisfy thereby those inquisitions in a very simple and straightforward way. The Review Omnivores are the consumers of the divergent varieties of food. They are the most unselective species when it comes down to diet. Conscious humans, being omnivores, generally face dilemma regarding their choice of food. Pollan tried his best to quench this confusion in human mind through his detailed research regarding the food chain and nature of consumption prevailing in humans. Pollan throws light widely on the nature and types of industrial foods, organic foods and the food that humans look for themselves. The detailed research work captivated within the pages of the enlightening document by Pollan, â€Å"The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals† throws light on the sources of the meals in omnivores to the transition of those sources in to a final complete meal for humans. Moreover, amid the process of evolving the procedure of the transition of various scattered food materials into complete meals, Pollan was successful in developing and identifying a healthy account of American way of eating.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Online Behaviors And Impression Management Essay Example for Free

Online Behaviors And Impression Management Essay Introduction With the rapid development of technology, the Internet has become an effective mechanism for social networking. People can not deny the fact that a successful social networking is more possible to lead a successful life. A personal impression serves as an important role in establishing new networks and managing old ones. It was proved that people have more opportunities presenting themselves in the computer-coordinated communication settings than face-to-face environments. Therefore, regardless of generations, the ways how people interact with one another have been greatly changed by online social sites. The purpose of this study is to understand how people utilize online social sites to manage their personal impression and how they behave on social media; also, people utilize social media in order to gratify their social needs such as their friendship maintenance. The thesis of this paper is that social media influences personal behaviors as well as their impression management and it also has positive impacts on people friendships performance. Personal Behavior on Social Media Individual behaviors may be restrained because of their awareness that their behaviors might possibly be seen by other people, and the fact that people tempt to look more appealing in any social occasions is obvious (Jeong, 2011). Since social media is served as a platform which is opened to public, people tend to pay more attention to how they appear and behave online. An experiment from Denton (2012) indicates that participants within heterogeneous networks such as Facebook have more desire to shift their impressions to others. A heterogeneous network is a network which is established for people without same interests, religions or common interests; in other words, people are able to speak or act freely on those websites. This experiment explains further that people manage or even shift their image based on others views and attitudes. According to Cummings (2012), the setting of profiles provides an opportunity for ones’ social life; people put effort into presenting a better image which aims at influencing others within the network. Jeong (2012) also declares that the process in which individuals attempt to control their impression with others is called â€Å"impression management†. Impression management can be used interchangeably with the term â€Å"self-presentation†, and its goal is to elevate people’s public image by performing behaviors based on how others evaluate them. Jeong also states that impression management usually occurs together with social desirability. Social desirability is defined as an individual’s tendency to describe themselves and behave in a manner in which they believe they will be viewed favorably in a situation. Moreover, Jeong also points out three main characteristics of self-presentation in online media platforms. They are asynchronous, malleable and selective. Asynchronous means that people can edit and update self-presentational cues deliberately over time. Malleable means people can simply manipulate those cues. Denton (2012) explains further by stating that people behave differently in different situations or interact with different people with whom they have specific relationships. For example, a lazy and incompetent employee may spend his evening as a passionate and assiduous worker volunteer or he behaves as a hard-working worker only under supervision; in this case, employers might misunderstand that he is truly a diligent worker. Thirdly, selective means people can improve their impression by choosing specific cues. Jeong explains this term by giving an example that individuals are more likely to donate or show their supports for charity campaigns as long as they realize that their participation would be noticeable to other people. Besides, there are some companies tend to elevate their images by sponsoring nonprofit organizations. To conclude, in general, people tend to behave favorably and try to create a positive impression to others on social media. Impression Management on Social Media Social media has been a new and easy platform for people managing their impression. Sameer (2007) states that document preparation programs make it relatively easy to manipulate the appearance of profiles; also, programmability helps people keep track of contents to the audience, and browser application provide an easy way to distribute the original or modified profiles. Therefore, Krisanic (2008) concludes from her research that impression management has been commonly carried out by those who involved in social networking activities. Jeong (2011) also states that online media platforms are expected to provide people with a greater opportunity for impression management, and because of its â€Å"public display† which enables participants to articulate and make their social networks more manifest; furthermore, Ellison (2008) declares that this kind of â€Å"public display of connection† serves as important signal that helps people navigate their networked social world. Cummings (2012) supports his idea. He points out that social network sites provide people a channel to present themselves digitally, and also gives them another way to provide details about themselves and establish or maintain their relationships in their own social network. Also, profile owners are not the only ones who are able to provide information on their own pages. Most sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn allow those who are involved in the connection to create additional information, and the use of wall posts and the recommendation are the examples (Cummings, 2012). All in all, the main characteristics of social network sites include the capability to make connection between people and share personal information; on top of that, it offers an easy way for people to manage their personal impressions. Friendships Performance on Social Media The articulation of friendship connections is another facet of impression management; it might possibly be viewed from others as an identity marker to profile owners (boyd Ellison, 2008). Although boyd and Ellison argue that online audiences’ comments may dominate user behaviors, Vallor (2012) thinks that those interactions are part of the reciprocity which serves a prime function maintaining friendships. Reciprocity is an original biological stimulus that operates as the core of human sociology and is the mutual characteristic of different types of friendships (Vallor, 2012). Take Facebook as an example, reciprocity emerge with diverse forms; it begins with the friend requests and accepting invitations correspondingly, responding to friends’ status by pressing â€Å"like† button, sharing photos and videos online, comments on friends’ status, and â€Å"tag† friends on pictures or posts. Therefore, a study from Vallor (2012) shows that instead of di minishing people’s interactions in their real lives, online social sites actually extend chances for such interaction. Vallor (2012) also declares that social media can support friendships. Many social network sites allow additional information, and which encourage people to list hobbies, post photos, and interact with other individuals within the network (Cummings, 2012). Furthermore, social network sites help individuals to manage contacts beyond traditional software like outlook, and they also help incorporate visual information such as pictures of contacts (Cummings, 2012); hence, the online social media offers a precious function of recombining efficiently with friends in the past (Vallor, 2012). To conclude, it is true that these sites help participants perceiving more sense of social value and connection; also, social network sites help reinforce participant’s desire to maintain their friendships (Vallor, 2012). Conclusion As online social networking sites as a new media technology comes out in our society, individuals have more opportunity than ever before to present themselves in public by using them. These sites allow users to make self-presentation by creating their own profile pictures, personal information, photos, videos, and their activities. Impression management is related to social networking sites use because individuals tend to develop different self-presentation depending on the audiences online. From those studies we were discussed, people tend to behave favorable to their audiences. However, the authenticity of profile information comes into concern since everything that shows on people’s profiles may dominate their images to others; whether this fact leads to negative problem of social networking sites may still need to be further investigated and researched. From another aspect, we can conclude that social networking sites have a positive impact on friendship performance. Although some studies argue that the online social networking sites may damage the traditional meaning of friendship, it serves as a valuable tool maintaining the friendship in people real lives. All in all, social network sites if manage properly; they can of course offer very concrete benefits to people social networking lives. References boyd, D. Ellison, N. (2008). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. (pp. 219-220). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13(2008) 210-230. Cummings, J. (2012). Virtual First Impression Matter: The effect of social networking sites on Impression formation in virtual teams. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2012 pg. n/a Ellison, A. S. W. (2012). Impression Formation in a Social Network Context. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2012 pg. n/a Jeong, H. J. (2011). The Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Campaigns on Consumer Responses to Brand in Social Media: Impression Management Perspectives. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2011 pg. n/a Krisanic, K. (2008). Motivation and Impression Management: Predictors of social networking site use and users behaviors. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2008 pg. n/a Sameer, B. (2008). First Impression formation in electronic profiles. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses 2008 pg. n/a Vallor, S. (2011). Flo urishing on Facebook: virtue friendship new social media. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. 2011

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A correlational study on music preference

A correlational study on music preference INTRODUCTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Music has long been said to have influenced the lives of every individual in ways which are more than the imaginable. More than setting the mod, it makes us remember things which happened long time ago and it makes us imagine a bright future through its melody and rhythm. Overtime, based on the philosophical traditions in the world, music is said to be promoting harmonious living not only for the individual, but for the society as well in general. Furthermore, it is also said that this idea has long been forgotten by the traditions in the Western philosophy although some still argues that music has more to offer in our ethical lives and reflection. Music is particularly important in the social lives of the adolescents. They do cruise in streets with their cars fully set-up with subwoofers and speakers as they favorite genre of music plays along normally rock, electric, or heavy metal. Various researches have shown that music is very important and essential in the lives of the adolescents especially on how they were able to satisfy social, emotional, and developmental needs. This only goes to show the big influence of music preference on the major decisions and activities in which the adolescent is inclined.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Suicide has long been a global threat to the human race especially among adolescents. In the United States alone, suicide has been said as the third leading cause of death among adolescents aged 15-19. The same case is also true globally. Although this phenomenon is said to ba a major alarming global problem, such has been still identified as preventable through a series of measures and practices which should be observed in order to prevent the occurrence of such. Part of this preventive and management of suicide attempts in the society include measures which are geared towards collaboration with community leaders or the proper authorities including health professionals, researchers, and all levels of the government which are concerned with the threat of this issue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the course of the study to be conducted, the researcher will present the correlation between the adolescents preference of music and their attempts to commit suicide. The research operates on the notion that the choice of music has a variable effect on why teenagers are inclined into attempting to end their lives. The study will look into psychological aspects which are associated to choice of music and how such incident can trigger an individual to commit suicide. The purpose of this research is to be able to identify such correlation and relate it to actual incidences of attempted suicide and how such can be prevented. The questions which the research will try to answer will include those reason on why music has been associated to an adolescents attempt to commit suicide, what kind of music triggers such occurrence, what other factors does music does aside from what has been mentioned, and. how can such incident be prevented. The researcher expects that these research questions will be answered at the end of the research through the help of data and relevant information which will be presented and extracted from reliable sources of study in order to strengthen the foundation of this paper and to gain more insights regarding the issue at hand. It is the expectation of the researcher to know what exactly is the correlation between the two variables of study: music preference and suicide attempts among adolescents. This study is of utmost important to be bale to give enlightenment on the issue and to be able to come up with various recommendations on what music should be played in order to lessen the occurrences of suicide, provided that there is a recognizable correlation between the two variables. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to successfully carry out the main purpose of the study, the researcher will make use of relevant data which are available to gain more insights regarding the issue. One of the main sources of information for this study will include secondary data sources. These sources will include references extracted from books, academic journals, scholarly articles, internet, and other form sof media which will provide the researcher with more insights regarding the topic. The secondary sources will be useful in providing the research with a strong foundation and also to be bale to back-up and strengthen the claims and the hypotheses of the author regarding the issue. Furthermore, although the researcher recognizes the difficulty of such measure, an individual who attempted suicide will also be interviewed and asked regarding his music preferences. By this, the study will be able to provide insights on the correlation between suicide and teenagers choice or preference of music which they listen to. More than the individuals themselves, another valuable source of primary data for this research will be psychologists and behavioral doctors who will also be interviewed and asked about how music relates to the possibility of the occurrence of suicide attempts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the process of this research, the research design which will be used by the researcher is exploratory research. This classification of research design is concerned with providing insights into, and an understanding of, the problem confronting the researcher. This type of research design is normally used on cases where the problems need to be defined more precisely, identify relevant courses of action, and gain additional insights or information before a particular approach can be developed. Moreover, the sample which will be chosen for the purpose of this study will only be small and at the same time non-representative. The primary and secondary data which will be gathered will be qualitative in nature rather than being quantitative. Given this, the fact that the research design is exploratory, the researcher submits this study to the fcat that once it is completed with all the findings and recommendation, the research is still subject to further study typicall y followed by conclusive research. As mentioned, the data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources through interviews and extensive research to gain the desired results. Furthermore, these data will be carefully analyzed by the researcher and will be only used in the study if the researcher sees such data as relevant and helpful in the conduct of the study. Lastly, ethical considerations will be considered as well in doing this research. No plagiarism must be tolerated. All sources will be properly identified and acknowledged. All interviews will be authentic and will come only from the individuals who can best give insights and relevant information on the topic. The confidentiality of the interview sources, particularly those who have already attempted to commit suicide, will also be of primary consideration. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has always been said that music is the universal language of mankind. Indeed such is true. Through music, regardless of the language, we feel the rhythm, we feel the beat. And in one way or another we were touched by the tune, and by the time we know it we can either be already crying because of it or dancing crazily because of the beat. Such instance only goes to show that music has indeed a great influence in the lives of mankind. In our everyday lives, it plays a great role which at times, we are not even aware of.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the 5th International Conference on Adolescent Health and Welfare and the World Youth Forum, there has been a relevant discussion regarding the influence of music on the life of the youth. Such discussion focuses on the notion that every sonsg and every artists or every genre to which the individual is inclined, there is a corresponding influence, either good or bad, to that individual and will manifest either long term or short term effects. The conference holds that music affects our body in various ways. We either feel the music as vibration to our bones, tissues and lungs and they also act as sound box playing inside our system. Because of such influences of music to our system, it can be said that we are indeed influenced by its beats and rhythms and as well as our actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Pouliot (1998), â€Å"selectively chosen and carefully designed musical compositions can help fortify our immune system, reduce our feeling of pain, and enhance certain higher mental functions†. In the journal which he wrote the author supports the claim of other researchers that there is an ultimate connection between the function of an individuals body and to music. Aside from that, in his work, the author also mentioned that music helps an individual to have freedom from pain and suffering. Musically fluctuating vibrations have been said to have string influence on the individuals perception of pain and on the over-all well-being. Furthermore, his work concludes that his work and other researches do not actually prove the concept that music is embedded with the ability and capacity to make us happier, healthier, and smarter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Furthermore, according to Roberts et al., although much debate in the past and even up to the present have shown focus on the effects of media on youth violence particularly that of television, there is also a need to put an emphasis on music. Furthermore, with todays popular music, criticism has been aimed towards the assumption that such music has contents which may influence how young listeners think or act. And more often than not, these influences are said to be violent and not giving any good to the adolescent population. It emphasizes the negatives which include violence, racism, Satanism, substance abuse, and suicide. Such musical aspects affecting such include heavy metal music and violent lyrics. The author also wrote some comments regarding music preference and suicide attempts and actual suicides. The work argues that the most common preference of music among those who committed suicide would be heavy metal music. The author mentioned that there is tru th to the fact that a number of adolescents who committed or attempted to commit suicide have been found listening to heavy metal music few hours before taking away their own lives. The author also mentioned that for the individual to immerse himself with angry, desperate, and depressing music is indeed a poor strategy to be able to cope with problems associated with anger, despair, and depression. Neuroscience also suggests that brooding or the ability of the individual to dwell on his current emotional state, is more likely to just deepen or worsen the situation rather than being able to alleviate it. This could carry an addictive and anti-social behavior until it could lead to potential suicide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In an article which was published in Americas Mental Health Channel, it has been said that suicide has increasingly become much more common among adolescents that how it used to be in the past years. It has been also identified that the main way of the adolescents to be able to end their respective lives is highly dependent on what lethal means are available in their country of residence and at their given age. In countries where guns are readily available, these are the main instruments which are used to commit suicide. However, in some places, strangling and food poisoning are the more causes means of committing or attempting suicide. Many literature have also been written identifying that the main cause of suicide attempts among adolescents would be the fact that they ae actually trying to manipulate others or as a way of crying out for help as brought about by depression or other problems which they perceived as too heavy already that suicide is their only opt ion on that particular moment. Moreover, when asked after their suicide attempts regarding the reasons on why they attempted to commit suicide, their reasoning would be like that of an adult. One of the reasons which they often stipulate is that they simply wanted to die, they no longer have the desire to live. Another reason which they normally state is that they just want to escape from a hopeless situation or get rid of their horrible state of mind. Other reasons include substance abuse, being victims of different forms of abuse be it physical or emotional, psychological disorders, and relationship problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Various researches have shown that the type of music which we listen to reveals a lot about our personality. Such type of music also influences a great part of our daily life and our actions as well. In a research which was conducted by Rentfrow and Gosling (2002), they have identified that the personality of an individual have a big impact on their preferences for their choices of music. Aside from these, the self-esteem and the mood of the individual also have a great effect on their taste for music. The impact of music in our lives, especially the violent ones have garnered notable attention and scrutiny in the past, especially heavy metal music. Performers like Slayer, Marilyn Manson, and Metallica have been brought into courts after parents of various adolescents claimed that their music have influenced their children to attempt to commit suicide. Furthermore, Center for Suicide Prevention (1999) also identified the adolescents preference to listening to heav y metal music as a factor affecting their attempt to commit suicide. Moreover, aside from heavy metal music they also identified other genres such as folk, pop-rock, country, and opera as having an effect on the desire of the individual to commit suicide. According to their study, the content analysis of some country songs reveals that there are some themes of the songs which can foster suicide such as those related to dissolution of marriage of parents, alcohol and substance abuse, financial strain, and social isolation. Moreover, the opera is said to have influenced suicide because of the death of the characters which might actually prompt adolescents to actually do the same. With relation to heavy metal, the study claimed that some lyrics are insinuating suicide and some even advocate the act of doing such. Stack and Gundlach (1992) also supports the theory that country music has an effect on the adolescents attempt to commit suicide. The authors identified the suicidal themes of most country songs as the main reason on why they are said to be contributory to suicide attempts of the younger population.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After having reviewed the relevant literature related to the topic at hand, the researcher could see that indeed the type or preference of music has a strong effect on the gullible personality of adolescents; therefore, such might actually prompt them to commit suicide. However, it is also suggested to look at other factors which might actually reveal why the preference for music has led to such choices and not to just directly correlate music preference with the attempt of adolescents to commit suicide. REFERENCES: Americas Mental Health Channel; Suicide and Children; Healthy Place; 2009 Center for Suicide Prevention; Music and Suicide; 1999 Documents for Small Business and Professionals; The Influence of Music Higgins, Kathleen Marie; The Music of Our Lives; 2001 Newfouldland and Labrador Center for health Information; Attemptempted Suicide Among Adolescents; 2004 Pouliot, Janine S.; The Power of Music; 1998 Roberts, Donald F., Christenson, Peter G., Gentile, Douglas A.; The Effects of Violent Music on Children and Adolescents; 2008 Schwartz, Kelly D., Fouts, Gregory T.; Music Preferences, Personality Style, and Developmental Issues of Adolescents. Stack, Steven, Gundlach, Jim; The Effect of Country Music on Suicide; 1992

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Environmental Impacts Of Transportation Environmental Sciences Essay

The Environmental Impacts Of Transportation Environmental Sciences Essay Over the years, the development of road networks across the world has undoubtedly contributed significantly to the changing of the landscape. Clearly those involved in all aspects of the design and construction of roads will be very aware of the, often emotive, issues that surround this highly visible intrusion into the natural environment. According to Alo (2008) Central to any functional urban settlement is the level and extent of its transportation network. Road, rail and water systems constitute the modes of transport that have been fully exploited by major urban cities around the globe to facilitate the complete integration of the various segments of their economy thus stimulating development. Since these systems are not isolated, interaction between them and the environment often lead to not too beneficial consequences. Although, cities play key roles in the development processes, they are, in general, productive places that make more than a proportionate contribution to nation al economic growth. However, the very process of urban growth often brings with it deterioration in surrounding environmental conditions. As a locus for population growth, commercial and industrial activity, cities concentrate energy and resource use and waste generation to the point that both man-made and natural systems are overloaded and the capacities to manage these systems are overwhelmed. This situation is exacerbated with rapid urban population growth. (James, 2009) Urban systems and services (e.g., water supply, sanitation, public transport and roads) are increasingly congested due to population, commercial and industrial growth coupled with poor urban management. Natural resources (water, air, forests, minerals, land) vital to the cities economic development and to future generations are lost or misused through inappropriate urban policies. The radius of impact of cities on resources lying far beyond their boundaries is steadily increasing. Furthermore, urban areas are inu ndated in their own wastes and choked on their own emissions as a result of inadequate pollution control and waste management policies and practices. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (2005), the degradation of transportation networks due to poor maintenance, natural disasters, deterioration over time, in addition to unforeseen attacks, leads to estimates of $94 billion in the United States of needed repairs for roads alone. Moreover, in a new era of climate change, it is expected, as documented in numerous studies (cf. National Assessment Team (2001), US Department of Transportation (2002), Smith and Levasseur (2002), Zimmerman (2003), Arkell and Darch (2006), Schulz (2007)), that the degradation of critical infrastructure, including transportation networks, can be expected to increase. At the same time, emissions generated through transportation are some of the biggest contributors to climate change and global warming. In Nigeria, the most developed of systems is road transportation with the roads mainly prominent in the various state capitals and inter-state highways. Projects limited to road rehabilitation, maintenance, minor construction, as well as to traffic management and regulation unlike new road construction, generally involve lesser environmental concerns. The roads are often constructed with no provision whatsoever to address problems such as the runoff quality vehicle emissions and other probable consequences of the road users activities. (Alo, 2008) Thus it is not unusual to find highways of mainly flushed shoulder passing through residential hubs, industrial estates and farmlands and since roads and highway surfaces are impervious, they serve as temporary sinks for various types of pollutants which are washed off during rainfall as runoff them to the proximate environment. Pollution from non-point sources such as highway runoff has therefore continued to be a major source of concern f or environmental regulatory bodies and other stakeholders the world over as they contribute to the pollutant load of the receiving environment, in most cases the water bodies and farmlands. This according to James (2009), results to a gradual degradation of the receiving water quality and an eventual impairment of the beneficial uses of such receiving environment. It is against these backdrops that this research work strives to investigate and explore the assessment of the environmental impact of the degradation of transportation network infrastructure in the form of roads. The research study therefore focuses on selected parks in Ilorin East local government. 1.2 Statement of the problem Vehicles serve as a direct and an indirect source of pollutants on the highways through normal operation and wear and via the deposition of solid materials picked up from the inner roads onto the highway surfaces respectively. Consequently, increased traffic volume tends to lead to increase in the amount of pollutants around the highway environment. (Alo, 2008) Thus busy spots on the highway have been observed to be characterized by poor runoff qualities; pollutant enriched roadside soil and obnoxious atmosphere. The resulting environmental damages or costs threaten the continued productivity of cities and the health and quality of life of its citizens. Cities have become major environmental hot spots that urgently require special attention in regional and in all environmental planning and management at the metropolitan regional scale. The Nigerian situation is further exacerbated by the reality of increasing large-scale importation of old/fairly used vehicles for use on the Nigerian highways. An Urban centre such as Ilorin has a wide network of roads which mostly bridges it numerous canals and the lagoon. Thus the need to identify, quantify and mitigate potential pollutants as a result of the transportation activities on these roads and highways is most necessary. This is why a research like this becomes fundamentally imperative for the sake of inhabitants of Ilorin metropolitan cities. 1.3 Objectives of the study The overall purpose of this research work is to investigate the environmental impacts of transportation in Ilorin metropolitan city. The study therefore is undertaken with the following specific objectives; To examine the extent to which transportation system of activities can impact on the atmospheric condition. To identify factors resulting from urban transportation activities capable of environmental pollution and degradation in the area under study. To come up with meaningful recommendation on how to improve environmental health through Transportation Projects that are environmentally-friendly 1.4 Research Questions In a bid to achieve the above stated objectives this research work will be designed to provide answers to the following questions To what extent can transportation systems or activities significantly impact on the atmospheric condition of the studied environment? In environmental education, how educated are drivers, trader in the studied parks? Do location of motor parks has anything to do with noise pollution in the society? Are there facilities for good management of transportation in the studied park? In what significant way can we improve on our environmental health through and reduce hazards that come from transportation activities? 1.5 Research Hypotheses For the purpose of this proposed research work, the following research hypothesis (Null) are formulated for statistical testing H0; 1 There is no significant relationship between transportation and environmental health in Ilorin East. H0; 2 Transportation activities do not negatively affect the atmospheric conditions of the natural environment. H0; 3 There is no significant ways through which environmental hazards can be prevented in Ilorin metropolitan city. 1.6 Significance of the Study The benefit to be derived in determining the environmental impacts of transportation in our society are immeasurable. Its benefits in enhancing public health and reduction of environmental hazards will be monumental. An important justification for this proposed study is that it will help establish the link between transportation activities and the state of human environment in Ilorin, Kwara State. It will also show us the degree to which the former can affect the latter in Nigeria. Apart from these, a study like this will serve as a book of reference to students/scholars, commercial bus companies, transport workers, politicians and road managers, who might want to further study and understand environmental impact of transportation in Nigeria. Furthermore, conclusion reached in this proposed research work will serve as a crystal guide to Government, political policy makers, ministers for road and transportation and motor park chair persons in Nigeria to identify which elements of policy area need urgent modification and which is not. This proposed study is also justified on the ground that it will serve as a frontier of knowledge to upcoming researchers who are willing to carry out similar research work. 1.7 Scope of the Study The scope of this research work will limit to examining the environmental impacts of transportation in Ilorin, Kwara State. The study therefore focuses on Ilorin East Local government are of Kwara State. The choice of Ilorin East Local Government is attributable to the convenience it promises in the conduct of the field work and fact that the local government is a metropolitan city which tend to have more operating motor parks than others in Ilorin. These include; ABC motor park XYZ motor park 123 park, and KKK park The study will focus on this area because it is an academic endeavour that is time bound. 1.8 Definition of Terms In a bid to ensure clarity, simplicity as well as avoiding ambiguity in this research work, the following major terms used in this project work are briefly defined for easy understanding. Transportation Environment Degradation Pollution Public health Please try to define the above terms, please make your definition brief and concise, you can use dictionary meaning if you want but please make the definition relevant to two things: first, your field of study (i.e., public health), 2nd it has to be define in the manner in which they are used in this project. I hope you understand?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Meningitis and Encephalitis :: Biology Medical Biomedical

Meningitis and Encephalitis Meningitis and encephalitis are two debilitating infections. They cause the inflammation of the meninges and the brain, respectively. Both of these infections are more common than the public believes them to be. Almost any bacteria or viruses can cause a form of this infection and any person of any age can contract this illness. In the United States many cases of meningitis and encephalitis are reported yearly. These two illnesses are often confused and considered by the general public to be one illness. But that is a myth. Meningitis and encephalitis are related, however, since encephalitis usually stems from the former. But meningitis causes inflammation of the meninges, or the lining of the brain, while encephalitis inflames the brain itself. Both of these inflammations have two forms: viral and bacterial. There are many different viruses that cause meningitis, such as mumps virus, echovirus, human entroviruses, HIV, arborviruses, west nile viruses, and many others. Mumps virus and Enteroviruses are the most common viruses that cause this infection. Viral meningitis tends to be more prevalent during the winter months. It is more likely to be found in adolescents or adults. Bacterial meningitis, like viral meningitis, is caused by many different organisms. Fifty percent of bacterial meningitis is caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, and fifteen percent are caused by Neisseria meningitides. The rest is caused by different Streptococcus and Listeria bacteria. Bacterial meningitis is contagious through direct contact with the oral fluids of the effected person. Therefore, the significant other and household contacts are often a likely candidate to contract bacterial meningitis. Eighty percent of cases are in people under the age of 16 and the majority of that group is under 5-years old. Haemophilus influenzae are gram-negative rods and it is commonly found in the United States. Their cell has a polysaccharide capsule with outer-membrane proteins. It is also non-motile. This bacterium prefers a carbon dioxide rich atmosphere though some strains do not need it to survive. An unusual trait of this bacteria is that when it is cultured for a long time, it loses its capsule and then dies. H. influenzae causes most cases of meningitis that occur in children between the ages of 2 months to four years, although-the mortality rate is a low three percent. Neisseria meningitides is a gram-negative diplococci, or a cocci that travels in pairs. This species is one of two Neisseria that are harmful to people. It is a spherical bacterium with a polysaccharides capsules.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

From the Pillars of Civilization to the Pillars of Law :: Law College Admissions Essays

From the Pillars of Civilization to the Pillars of Law As sweat dripped down my nose and mixed with the dirt, I yelled, "I found glass!" Glass is considered a rare find, and upon hearing my announcement the excavation team stopped digging. Later, as I sat under the overhang on the laboratory roof patiently brushing dirt off a pottery shard and reconstructing a pot from the shard, I realized that archeology parallels the process of producing a paper, piece by piece and note-card by note-card. I came to Mallorca, Spain because of my passion for Egyptology and archeology. I was determined to excavate, and although Mallorca is not Egypt, this was my opportunity to do so. I love solving puzzles - discovering pieces, analyzing their importance, uncovering relationships and then utilizing the information to produce a final work. An archeologist discovers an object; draws on knowledge of the culture, materials available, and history to analyze the object; deciphers its role and determines its value. Writing, research, legal study, and legal prac tice share this process with archeology. Instead of finding a pottery shard in soil, the discovery is information and requires research and analysis. The challenge of researching and analyzing an unknown subject is the most enjoyable part of academic life. An honors thesis I wrote on Colombian environmental policy allowed me to study a topic about which I had been ignorant. I chose Colombian environmental policy because my Latin American Politics class did not cover Colombia, and I was interested, after writing about French and American environmental policy, in continuing my study of different countries' environmental policies. Colombia, however, presented a greater challenge than the other two countries due to the paucity of available material. After the Colombian consulate was unable to help me, I located one of the few experts in the field who directed me to relevant material. I threw myself into a provocative topic, formerly unknown to me, and transformed it into something about which I was knowledgeable. The process is like discovering a shard, or if lucky, a piece of glass. The Colombian paper also stands out as one of my favorite projects because of the analysis and interpretation it required. The class analyzed events using a matrix comprised of political, social, international, and domestic factors. The environmental articles offered no obvious examples of reasons for the events; my analysis relied solely on my interpretation. From the Pillars of Civilization to the Pillars of Law :: Law College Admissions Essays From the Pillars of Civilization to the Pillars of Law As sweat dripped down my nose and mixed with the dirt, I yelled, "I found glass!" Glass is considered a rare find, and upon hearing my announcement the excavation team stopped digging. Later, as I sat under the overhang on the laboratory roof patiently brushing dirt off a pottery shard and reconstructing a pot from the shard, I realized that archeology parallels the process of producing a paper, piece by piece and note-card by note-card. I came to Mallorca, Spain because of my passion for Egyptology and archeology. I was determined to excavate, and although Mallorca is not Egypt, this was my opportunity to do so. I love solving puzzles - discovering pieces, analyzing their importance, uncovering relationships and then utilizing the information to produce a final work. An archeologist discovers an object; draws on knowledge of the culture, materials available, and history to analyze the object; deciphers its role and determines its value. Writing, research, legal study, and legal prac tice share this process with archeology. Instead of finding a pottery shard in soil, the discovery is information and requires research and analysis. The challenge of researching and analyzing an unknown subject is the most enjoyable part of academic life. An honors thesis I wrote on Colombian environmental policy allowed me to study a topic about which I had been ignorant. I chose Colombian environmental policy because my Latin American Politics class did not cover Colombia, and I was interested, after writing about French and American environmental policy, in continuing my study of different countries' environmental policies. Colombia, however, presented a greater challenge than the other two countries due to the paucity of available material. After the Colombian consulate was unable to help me, I located one of the few experts in the field who directed me to relevant material. I threw myself into a provocative topic, formerly unknown to me, and transformed it into something about which I was knowledgeable. The process is like discovering a shard, or if lucky, a piece of glass. The Colombian paper also stands out as one of my favorite projects because of the analysis and interpretation it required. The class analyzed events using a matrix comprised of political, social, international, and domestic factors. The environmental articles offered no obvious examples of reasons for the events; my analysis relied solely on my interpretation.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Renaissance in the history of art

The Renaissance was much more than Just an episode in the history of art. The Renaissance gave birth to so many new ideas and styles beyond Just art, that are still being used today. Many of the greatest painters and architects rose during the renaissance era, such as Michelangelo, Brucellosis and Albert'. The Renaissance brought forth much more than Just art. The Renaissance gave birth to new talent and artwork that will forever be remembered in history. In the early years of Michelangelo, Brucellosis and the other great artists of this era, pursuing art was discouraged in the household.The adults saw it as a shameful career. Once these artist started showcasing their talents to the world, the view of art was changed to many. Artists gained new respect from the Europeans and were viewed as craftsman and useful to making goods. These artists inspired many with their work such as the Sistine Chapel and the Florence Cathedral. Also, architecture greatly contributed to this age of art. Alberta argued that buildings should mirror the human body in their supports and openings, which inspired many great artists such as Michelangelo.Much of the architecture during this era was created in this image of human likeness. Also, you can see the work of renaissance in modern day architecture. The Renaissance study of architecture came up with a grid pattern to lay out towns in a simpler way, which you can still see being used today. As you can see, there are many ways you can still see the Renaissance culture in modern day life. The Renaissance should not only be remembered for the art and talent it produced but the new ways and how culture changed as a whole.